Sunday, August 28, 2011

Juvenile Crimes Defense Attorney Denver, Attorney V Iyer

Welcome to the new Denver Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorney blog for Attorney V Iyer here in Denver.
Here in Colorado, Juvenile court is unique and should not be treated as if it were adult court for young clients. While the substantive criminal law is the same in juvenile and adult court, the procedures and sentencing laws are substantially different. 

The consequences of a misstep by an attorney inexperienced in juvenile matters can be devastating and negatively impact the rest of your life. For example, contrary to what many parents believe, a juvenile conviction is not removed from a child's record when he or she turns 18. 

Despite the rehabilitative focus of juvenile court, juvenile convictions are counted as criminal history in future cases. They also remain on State criminal records databases and may affect a young person's ability to enter college, obtain employment, financial aid, a driver's license or join the military. Additionally, juvenile convictions can result in commitment to a juvenile detention facility or institution for periods ranging from days to months and even years. Worse, in some cases, a child may end up being prosecuted as an adult where the punishment is even more severe. 

When your child is facing charges in juvenile court, not just any lawyer can help. In Colorado, juvenile offenses are dealt with in a separate process that is remarkably different from that of the criminal courts.

At the Denver law offices of V Iyer, we have substantial experience defending minor clients charged with juvenile offenses. Crimes committed while a juvenile are unique and only a skilled juvenile attorney like Mr. V. Iyer will be able to effectively represent you in such cases. We understand the juvenile courts, the process and the potential outcomes.

Call us today at 720.262.8295 for a free consultation.