Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Juvenile Misdemeanor Charge Denver

Some people think that if their child is facing a juvenile misdemeanor charge they don’t need to bother getting legal advice, but even a misdemeanor can have serious consequences on a young person’s life and record, and it is always best to find a lawyer with experience with misdemeanor juvenile charges to help you and your child through this difficult time.  

Even an excellent lawyer who otherwise mostly only handles adult cases will not know the details about how the juvenile system’s process differs, and is likely to overlook possible ways to deal with a juvenile misdemeanor charge due to their lack of familiarity with special processes of the juvenile system.  

As an example, in many cases, your first offense juvenile misdemeanor charges can be  handled with the juvenile diversion program, so having a lawyer familiar with that type of program keeps more of your options open.  Iyer Law Office in Denver is experienced both with the juvenile system and with how juveniles are handled when they are charged as adults, so no matter what the details of your particular felony or misdemeanor juvenile charge, we will be able to coordinate a plan to defend your child  before the court.