Monday, January 2, 2012

Juvenile Theft Charge Denver

Most parents are horrified when their children are picked up on a juvenile theft charge, and due to that shock and horror, many of them rush into choosing a lawyer, and will make the error of hiring one that does not specialize in juvenile law. Even a highly recommended attorney with lots of experience in adult theft cases will not be the most useful defense in the case of a juvenile theft charge.  
You need a lawyer with intimate familiarity with how the laws differ for minors, and in Denver, V. Iyer is the man for the job.   If not handled correctly by someone with extensive juvenile court experience, that juvenile theft charge can stay on your child’s criminal record after they become an adult, showing up on background checks for jobs and colleges and making it harder for them to succeed.  
Iyer Law Office in Denver has helped many families to put their juvenile theft charge
behind them so their children do not have to keep paying for that youthful stupid mistake, and can move on to young adulthood with a clean slate.