Saturday, April 7, 2012

Juvenile Charged as Adult Denver

When a juvenile is charged as an adult, it is even more important that a good defense attorney is secured for your case in Denver. Juvenile defense attorney V. Iyer is a good choice in Denver. He has been representing Denver’s youth for many years and strives to get the best possible outcome every time in Denver. 

It is a very serious situation for a juvenile charged as an adult in Denver. The proceedings will be held in district court as opposed to only having to complete treatment and rehabilitation programs outside of the courtroom in Denver. The minor can face up to two years in the Department of Youth Corrections and their record may be seriously affected. 

So the reasons to find a qualified and knowledgeable juvenile defense attorney are even stronger for a juvenile charged as an adult in Denver. Call Iyer Law Office today and experience what truly professional and experienced defense is like in Denver. Your juvenile charged as an adult will be in good hands with our expert legal representation. Start your defense today by filling out a free online case evaluation.