Thursday, July 3, 2014

Aurora Juvenile Crimes Attorney

If you are a juvenile charged with a crime, you can have very different penalties and laws associated with a juvenile arrest.  Two of the most significant differences are that juveniles are not entitled to a trial by jury nor are they allowed to be released on bail. When you are seeking an Aurora juvenile crimes attorney, you need the Iyer Law Office.  

There are devastating consequences when a juvenile is charged with a crime and a mistake by an inexperience attorney can be devastating.  As a former prosecutor, Attorney Iyer has practiced law on both sides of the courtroom.  This allowed him to gain valuable knowledge as a juvenile crimes attorney.

As an Aurora juvenile crimes attorney, you will get the straight forward answers you need to know what lies ahead.  If you are facing a juvenile charge let our experience help you with your defense.  Call and schedule your consultation today to help you get on the right track to a proper defense. We strongly believe in giving kids a second chance.